21世纪的护理工作比以往任何时候都更加复杂. The complexity of this care requires that registered nurses (RNs) possess knowledge and competence on health policy, 系统改进, 研究, 循证实践, 团队合作, 协作, 复杂决策, 和领导能力. There’s no better way to prepare yourself to enter this field of healthcare than with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing.
欧文康考迪亚大学's Pre-Nursing minor will give you the educational foundation to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. 通过这个独特的本科课程,你将能够获得一个 生物学学士学位 有护理预科辅修课程,并有资格参加 护理学加速学士学位 (ABSN)项目. 这两个学位都可以在短短5年内完成.
Prospective students interested in this option will need to apply to Concordia as an undergraduate student and declare a Pre-Nursing minor. 在学生大四的时候, 每个符合条件的学生必须申请并被正式录取进入ABSN项目.
能在赌博十大平台排行学习,我感到非常幸运. 这段经历不仅具有挑战性, 彻底的, 也为我今天当护士做了准备, 但教官们对我产生了巨大的影响,帮助我成为了我想成为的护士.
切尔西R. 队列的21
我们的ABSN项目, approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN) and accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE)*, is highly regarded by leaders in hospitals and healthcare systems for producing caring and compassionate nurses. 在节目结束时, 学生有资格参加护理国家委员会考试以获得注册护士执照.
作为护理预科的学生,你可以在大四的时候申请我们的ABSN项目. This minor is designed to help you meet all of the requirements for earning your Bachelor of Science in Nursing in as little as 5 years, 但 不保证被ABSN项目录取. 当你完成护理预科课程时, 请注意以下入场须知, 应用程序需求, 和一般 成功申请者简介 过去:
认识到护理既是一门艺术也是一门科学,康科迪亚 护理程序 通过自由学习和科学准备,拥抱个人的发展. The goal of nursing is to view each individual as a uniquely created physical and spiritual being with individual needs that are of utmost concern to the profession.
通过完成护理预科辅修课程并选择以下课程中的选修课 生物学专业文学学士,你就满足了ABSN项目的所有先决条件. Your academic advisor can work with you to make sure that you complete all of the necessary course requirements.
This course will explore issues pertinent to the study of health and nutrition for the active individual and will analyze concepts and controversies by illustrating the importance of 研究 and clinical studies in the current nutritional literature. Students will also examine and discuss key concepts concerning the role of nutrition in overall health and well-being for a healthy lifestyle. 先决条件:生物101和大二的成绩.
与社会行为的心理过程有关的概念和原则, 发展, 动机, 感觉, 感知, 认知与记忆, 学习, 个性, 心理障碍及其治疗, 以及生物学的观点将在这门课程中进行检查.
本课程将着重于包括童年在内的人类一生的发展和变化, 青春期, 成年, 和衰老. 物理, 社会, 交际, 情感, and cognitive issues will be covered along with the expected milestones during each phase of 发展 while looking at each individual's unique and multifaceted physiological, 心理, 社会学, 精神层面.
This course will examine the principles and practice of effective oral communication and the analysis of the speaking-listening process with an emphasis on informative and persuasive speaking experiences.
This course will analyze person-to-person 交际 behavior in contexts ranging from informal to organizational looking at topics such as attraction, 信任, 语言, 非语言行为.
In this course students will practice 研究 methods and a variety of 写作 strategies such as narration, 描述, 博览会, 论证, 培养批判性思考者的技能, 读者, 作家通过研究, 阅读, 写作, 还有作家工作坊. 必须以C或更高的成绩完成.
In this course students will explore the aesthetic range of the essay by 阅读 selected works from a variety of authors examining them not only as objects for analysis, 同时也是学生练习写作艺术时进行文体实验的范例. 根据SAT或ACT成绩安排新生.
了解世界上不同的文化, 从前文字社会到现代科技社会, 这门课的重点是什么, and will include mankind's universal as well as adaptive dimensions; and the examination of socioeconomic, 政治, 宗教, 以及与不同民族的价值观和生活方式有关的自然环境因素.
This course will analyze the topics of 社会ization; 社会 interaction, 的关系, 异常, 控制, 机构, 流程, and change; family and educational problems; child abuse; crime and delinquency; and drug, 酒精, 还有烟草滥用.
人类解剖学和生理学两个学期的第一课. 主题包括细胞的结构和功能, 组织, 还有肠膜, 骨骼, 肌肉发达的, 神经系统. 介绍常见的人类疾病过程. Emphasis is on inter的关系 among systems and regulation of physiological functions involved in maintaining homeostasis. Laboratory component includes anatomical studies using microscopy and dissection and the study of physiological concepts via experimentation. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. 先决条件:C-或更好的生物111或教师的同意. 每年提供一次(秋季学期).
人体解剖学和生理学两个学期的第二课. 主题包括内分泌, 心血管, 淋巴/免疫, 呼吸, 消化, 尿, 生殖系统. 介绍常见的人类疾病过程. Emphasis is on inter的关系 among systems and regulation of physiological functions involved in maintain homeostasis. Laboratory component includes anatomical studies using microscopy and dissection and the study of physiological concepts via experimentation. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. 先决条件:C-或更好在BIO 111和BIO 246或教师的同意. 每年提供一次(春季学期).
本课程将介绍形态学, 生理学, 以及微生物的生态和医学重要性(重点是病毒), 细菌, 模具, 和酵母), 重点关注生理过程的分子基础. 实验课程将强调文化, 生理学, 以及主要微生物群的鉴定. 实验时间包含在课程表中. 需要付实验室费用. Prerequisites: C- or better in (BIO 101 or BIO 111 or CBIO 101) and (CHE 101 or CHE 221 or SCI 115) or consent of instructor. 通常每年提供(秋季学期).
This course will introduce statistical analysis concepts and methods necessary for the interpretation of biological data in including a hands-on experience with computational methods and biological interpretation rather than statistical theory. 电脑室的时间包括在课程表内. 先决条件:C-或更好的生物111或教师的同意. 通常每年提供(秋季学期).
当前的学生, please note: The requirements listed here may not reflect the most current courses for this minor and may not be the requirements for the catalog year you are following to complete your minor. 请参阅 学术目录 对于官方要求,你必须符合资格.
One element of the selection criteria for the ABSN program is health care volunteer experience that illustrates care and compassion for others. 在肯考迪娅, 你会发现一个积极参与本地和全球服务的学生社区, 也有机会通过我们的 加州护理学生协会 (CNSA)和我们的护理校友会.
The 生物学 Department at Concordia is passionate about helping you achieve your professional goals in the field of healthcare. 你可以预约医学科学项目主任 教授. 斯科特·盖恩斯来讨论你在医学领域的机会.
盖恩斯教授以B的成绩毕业.S. 他在加州大学欧文分校获得生物学硕士学位.S. 《正规赌博十大平台排行》A.我在亚利桑那州的T Still大学. 来协和女神之前, 盖恩斯教授作为健康和健身专业人士的教育者工作了20多年. He is an author and national speaker on a wide range of topics such as biomechanics and 心血管-based program design. 盖恩斯教授还对创新教学技术特别感兴趣, 是国际医学兄弟会CUI分会的指导老师, 是他目前正在攻读博士学位.D. 科学教育.
Dr. 冯·登·布舍毕业于加州大学伯克利分校,获学士学位.S. 主修分子和细胞生物学,重点是神经生物学,辅修西班牙语. 她在加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得神经科学博士学位. 她的研究重点是成年哺乳动物皮层的学习和记忆. Dr. von dem Bussche teaches introductory biology courses at Concordia University and is compelled by how the biological sciences reveal God's creation.
康科迪亚与该地区的医院有着良好的声誉和良好的关系. 我采访了一家医院,他们告诉我们,他们调整了招聘流程,把我们这群人包括进来.
Karen M. ’21
有关康考迪亚大学欧文分校护理预科辅修课程的更多信息, 我们邀请您直接与我们联系.
的母鸡哈利姆 招生处副处长 (电子邮件保护) (949) 214-3025
请提供您的联系方式, 我们的招生顾问会很乐意给你发送更多关于我们项目的信息.
参加在线或面对面的信息会议. 我们将讨论申请流程、经济援助、付款计划等.
美国啦啦队和特技组合 9月14日,早上7点 中大体育馆(体育馆)
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*康考迪亚大学欧文分校的护理学士学位课程获得美国 大学护理教育委员会邮编:20001,华盛顿特区K街西北655号750室,202-887-6791.